Gaia’s Plant Medicine
2025 - 2026
Registration Opens in January
Communicating with Plants
3-day Intensive
Westminster, VT
June 28, 29, 30th
3-Day Gaia Immersion ~ Communicating with Plants
Registration Open for Spring 2025
Westminster, Vermont
June 28th, 29th & 30th
10:30am - 6pm
Tuition ~ $450
Limited Space Available
In June the gardens are bursting with beauty Vermont,
and we will spend a magical 3 days connecting deeply with the plants.
Communicating with plants helps us build a more harmonious relationship with the natural world. Plants communicate in ways that go beyond words, using energy, vibrations, and biochemical signals to interact with their environment. In this workshop we’ll explore the hidden intelligence of the plant world and experience how the plants can influence our well being. Speaking with plants cultivates a deeper relationship with them at home and in the wild.
During a 3 day intensive we’ll practice techniques of meditation and plant communication that allow us to learn directly from the plants themselves. Discover practical techniques for tuning into plant consciousness, exploring their responses to touch, sounds, vibrations, and emotions. Through meditation practices, sensory engagement, and energy exchange, students will learn to attune to the subtle messages of plants while in Gaia’s Vermont gardens.
Whether you're a seasoned gardener, a nature enthusiast, or simply curious about plant intelligence, this workshop will transform the way you see and engage with the green beings around you. 🌿
Workshop taught by Sage Maurer, director of The Gaia School of Healing. Location information and class details will be sent to those registered by June 1st.
Class held in Westminster, VT.
Camping and rustic lodging is available.
Limited Space Available
Tropical Plant Medicine
Ten Online Sessions
May - February
Tropical Plant Medicine Class
Ten Online Classes ~ May 27th, June 24th, July 22nd, August 19th, September 16th, October 14th, November 11th, December 16th, January 13th, February 17th
3 – 5:30 pm EST on Tuesdays
Tuition ~ $500
Tropical plants are some of our most beloved and amazing medicines used all around the world. Their medicine and use has been spreading throughout the Americas, Southeast Asia, Polynesia, Africa, and the Caribbean for thousands of years. Many of these delicious medicinal plants are used as spices, teas, and food. It is only recently that we have easy access to them!
Come join us for this series of ten classes where we will explore the medicine, history, ethnobotany, and pharmacology of tropical medicinal plants around the world. Each class will focus on a handful of tropical plants, with guidance around identification, harvesting, and medicine making. Sage will share her 20+ years of working with these incredible plants through personal experience and research.
In this course we will dive deep into the medicine and ethnobotany of plants you already know and love such as coffee, cacao, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, coconut, cardamom, citrus, hibiscus, and many others. We’ll also discuss the medicine of fruit trees such as banana, papaya, guava, soursop, coconut, lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit. Many tropical plant medicines that can be grown indoors or as annuals in colder temperate climates will be introduced in depth, such as butterfly pea, gotu kola, aloe, passionflower, hibiscus, tilo, citrus, mimosa, ginger, and cayenne. Students living in tropical climates will be able to grow and use all the plants we cover in this class. Sage will share her decades of experience growing, studying, and learning from these incredible tropical plants. 🌿
Workshop taught by Sage L. Maurer. All classes recorded for future viewing.
Tropical Plants Covered in the Course ~ Aloe ~ African foxglove ~ Cacao ~ Cayenne ~ Coffee ~ Cinnamon ~ Coconut ~ Banana ~ Beach almond (Terminalia catappa) ~ Bitter Melon ~ Tropical Blue Vervain ~ Butterfly pea ~ Dormilona (Mimosa pudica) ~ Egyptian Blue Lotus ~ Eucalytus ~ Gingers ~ Grapefruit ~ Guava ~ Hibiscus ~ Hombre grande (Quassia amara) ~ Jackass Bitters (Neurolaena lobata) ~ Kava kava ~ Lemon/Lime ~ Life Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum) ~ Mango ~ Mimosa ~ Moringa ~ Naupaka (Scaevola taccada) ~ Noni ~ Orange/Citrus ~ Passionflower ~ Soursop/Guanabana ~ Tilo (Justicia pectoralis) ~ Turmeric ~ Vanilla ~ Ylang ylang. *** Not a complete list, more will be added.
Healing Lyme Disease & Co-Infections
6 Online Classes ~ April 22nd, May 13th, June 17th, July 15th, August 26th, September 30th
3 – 5:30 pm EST on Tuesdays
Tuition ~ $350
Join us for an empowering class that delves into the world of medicinal plants to support recovery from Lyme disease. In New England and beyond many people are needing help dealing with the complicated health issues related to Lyme and tick born diseases. This workshop offers a comprehensive introduction to the healing properties of plants that are incredibly effective for treating Lyme.
In this class you’ll discover a wide range of plants known to destroy spirochetes, support the immune system, reduce inflammation, combat co-infections, and aid detoxification - key components in addressing the multifaceted nature of Lyme disease. Learn from an experienced herbalist with a deep understanding of both modern science and traditional medicine, who has been treating and living with chronic Lyme disease for over 15 years.
Whether you’re new to herbal medicine or looking to deepen your knowledge, this class will help you support yourself or others dealing with Lyme and Babesia. We’ll cover safe and effective ways to prepare herbal remedies, including teas, tinctures, and salves, while also highlighting specific plants such as Japanese knotweed, cat’s claw, and andrographis, which are widely recognized for their therapeutic benefits in Lyme protocols. You'll leave with practical tools and confidence to begin incorporating these remedies into a daily routine. Learn to support the body’s natural healing processes, and cultivated a deeper connection to the plants. 🌿
Workshop taught by Sage Maurer. All classes recorded for future viewing.
Plants Covered in the Course ~ Andrographis ~ Cat’s Claw ~ Japanese knotweed ~ Sarsaparilla ~ Burdock ~ Licorice ~ Olive leaf ~ Black walnut ~ Oregano ~ Pau d'Arco ~ Garlic ~ Marshmallow root ~ Astragalus ~ Nettles ~ Chickweed ~ Dandelion ~ Cacao ~ Cinnamon ~ Bidens pilosa ~ Chinese Skullcap ~ Turmeric ~ Peach ~ Siberian ginseng ~ Reishi ~ Sweet Annie ~ Ginger ~ Clove ~ Orange peel ~ Cinnamon ~ Skullcap ~ Cannabis ~ Blue vervain ~ Lemon balm ~ Oatstraw ~ Ashwagandha ~ Holy basil ~ Mugwort ~ Black birch ~ Evergreens ~ *** Not a complete list.
Gardening with the Wild ~ Supporting Plant Diversity in the Garden
Edited class recordings will be available at 20% off.
Six Zoom Classes ~ May 14th, June 4th, June 25th, July 16th, August 6th & 27th
4 – 6:30 pm EST on Tuesdays
Come learn how to garden in partnership with the plants themselves! For over 20+ years Sage has been learning how to partner with nature in gardening, leaving room for wild plants to grow freely alongside cultivated plants in the garden. This way of gardening with wild nature allows native and naturalized plants a chance to grow in our gardens, sharing space with the seeds we plant. We will explore supporting certain wild plants in our vegetable, flower, and medicinal herb gardens, identifying them from early spring as small sprouts.
Gardening with the wild allows more medicine and food plants to grow naturally in our gardens, giving native and wild medicinals the space they need. This method gives us a much more abundant source of food and medicinal plant harvests, as well as greater diversity of plant species in our gardens! We increase food for pollinators and create healthier plant ecosystems. Gardening with wild nature allows us to confront and transform our tendency to want to dominate and control nature, plants, and the communities that surround us. 🌿
Students will keep a garden journal, practice plant identification, and study their local naturalized, native, invasive, and medicinal plants. Class will include discussion about different plant species, their medicinal and food uses, as well as each plant’s growing cycles and personalities in the garden.
Option to Attend Gaia Gardening Weekends ~ Dates TBA
Workshop taught by Sage Maurer. All classes recorded for future viewing.
Botanical Art Class
Six Online Sessions
June - October 2024
Drawing & Painting Botanicals
Edited class recordings will be available at 20% off.
Six Zoom Classes ~ June 11th, July 2nd, July 23rd, August 20th, September 10th, October 1st
4 – 6:30 pm EST on Tuesdays
Enjoy an exciting dive into the world of botanical art! Each class we will view botanical art from around the world to inspire us with the many different ways to illustrate the beauty of the plants. Together and between classes we’ll create images of plants we love using different styles from abstracted to detailed and illustrative. We will draw and paint from live plants as well as from photographs, dreams, journeys, and meditations with the plants. We will explore different mediums together from pen and ink, watercolor, charcoal, pencil, and acrylic paint. No previous experience necessary! Sage will guide you through beginning to advanced techniques of drawing and painting.
Sage will bring her 30 years of drawing and painting, offering techniques to create with freedom, looseness, and joy! We will draw and paint outside in the garden with the plants, share our loose sketches, create finished works, and free inner creative blocks of self-judgement and fear. Drawing is one of the best ways to spend time with plants in the wild! It brings greater appreciation and attention to details of plants our eyes usually miss, and helps immensely with plant identification. Let your creative self play in the realms of the plants! 🌿
Option to Attend Gaia Gardening Weekends ~ Dates TBA for sketching, drawing, and painting in the garden. Open to all regardless of previous experience.
Workshop taught by Sage Maurer. All classes recorded for future viewing.
The Medicine
of Trees
Six Online Sessions
May - December 2024
Ethnobotany & Medicinal Uses of 40 Trees
Edited class recordings will be available at 20% off.
Six Zoom Classes ~ May 21st, June 18th, September 17th, October 15th, November 12th, December 10th
4 – 6:30 pm EST on Tuesdays
Trees have been our teachers, healers, and guides for thousands of years. Many of us feel a special call to learn directly from these ancient beings who carry such incredible wisdom and medicine. Sage has been guiding students in the medicine and magick of trees for over 20 years, and for the first time will offer a course completely devoted to tree medicine.
Join us for a series of six classes where we will explore the lore, history, ethnobotany, and pharmacology of important medicinal tree species around the world. Each class will focus on a handful of trees, with guidance around identification, harvesting, and medicine making. We will cover over 33 trees total, including evergreens, deciduous trees, and tropical trees. Sage will share her 25+ years of working with these powerful teachers from personal experience and research. 🌿
Workshop taught by Sage Maurer. All classes recorded for future viewing. Option to Attend Gaia Gardening Weekends for Tree Harvesting & Medicine Making ~ Dates TBA
Alder ~ Apple ~ Birch ~ Cherry ~ Cottonwood ~ Dogwood ~ Elder ~ Evergreens – Pine, Juniper, Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock, Fir
Ginkgo ~ Hawthorn ~ Linden ~ Magnolia ~ Mimosa ~ Mulberry ~ Oak ~ Peach ~ Sassafras ~ Tulip & Poplar ~ Black Walnut ~ Willow ~ Witch hazel
Tropical Tree Medicines ~ Cacao ~ Cinnamon ~ Coconut ~ Banana ~ Eucalytus ~ Guava ~ Mango ~ Mimosa ~ Moringa ~ Noni ~ Orange/Citrus ~ Soursop/Guanabana ~ Ylang ylang